Long Tail Keywords: Getting Traffic From Unpopular Queries
By Marisa Hochberg : https://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/setting-it-off-at-the-parrish/ While SEO is all about attracting the right audience for your content, keywords are no exception. The more specific you can make your keywords, the better. To successfully attract the search engine algorithms’ attention, you need to make sure that your queries are as relevant as possible. With that in mind, here are some strategies that will help you get more traffic from less popular queries: Not all queries are created equal. Some questions may seem ridiculous to search engines but be of interest to particular people or industries. Other queries may fall into the grey area and therefore be of little or no value to a particular audience. Search engines consider various factors when ranking websites and pages, so it’s best not to assume beforehand what might appear unreasonable based on surface appearances alone. Build with Text and Images The first and most important thing you can do is...