Own a (DTG) Direct to Garment Printer; here are some little “Known Secrets” about them

Going into the garment printing business can be very profitable. It is a unique and viable industry, which will allow persons to be able to start their business at home and see amazing results. If you are a newbie to the craft it is best to have training in the use of a DTG printer. 

Ask questions of your sales rep; never take everything at face value. The sales rep of any garment printer will want to dazzle you with the functionality of the printer. Making samples in showing how to use the machine is just the first of many pieces to the puzzle. They understand what’s, how’s, and why’s of the printer and its many uses. If you are thinking of doing the jobs on your own, buying the printer before being trained to use it will cause more headaches than you think. Those samples the rep makes will not be able to really help once they have left. 

Go online and use Google; Google is your friend! If there are shops that offer beginner’s training in the use of the DTG printer then enroll and be informed. Believe me, this will save you wasting stock and ink experimenting.

Warranty your DTG - Direct to Garment Printer. Many vendors will tell you they change the head whenever the need arises.  You may think this is a bargain, but it is not. The printer head will clog, but it is up to the purchaser to determine the value for money. Ensure your vendor will give you at least a year or more warranty for your printer with the guarantee of maintenance during this time. Build a good business rapport with your vendor so you are able to get immediate help whenever you need. 

Ask questions of your sales rep about the need for maintenance. A good and trustworthy vendor will ensure their clients have information that is needed and guide them through the many signs to look for during continuous use of the printer. Low maintenance is good, but you also need to know what you can do to ensure this aspect on maintenance to work for you. Down time is inevitable, but you need to know what to expect; how long will you be without your printer as well as the cost of repairs if needed. Manufacturers know their products, as well as sales reps, so check thoroughly; ASK QUESTIONS and LOTS OF THEM!

Know what fabrics can be printed. A good sales rep who values their companies’ reputation will give you solid advice on items and the types of fabric that can be printed. Use this information well. If you have had experience with printing, then you also know what is workable or not. New comers to the industry have a window of opportunity to learn. A newbie, as mentioned above, will be only too enthusiastic and will absorb information like a sponge. They will move ahead faster than the old timers in the business. 

Going into the garment industry of Direct to Garment Printing is an excellent investment, especially if you have always dreamed of being your own boss. Being adequately informed is a responsible approach to this venture and remember; time will afford you becoming a professional at your business.


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